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Le’elui Nishmat

Tonight was a very special occasion for Torah learning in Perth.

Project Seed delivered a fitting tribute to Avinoam Grossman Z”L who just three years ago was swept away from us in tragic circumstances.  An evening of learning was hosted, involving chevrutot with members of the local community. 

Many of us in Perth will never forget that eerie Moitze Shabbat in 2006 where large numbers of people lined the streets to honour the commencement of the long journey of Avinoam’s body back to Jerusalem for burial.  Rabbi Freilich honoured Avinoam with stirring words of comfort and consolation, noting that although a wave had swept Avinoam from us, the wave of learning and the contribution he had provided for our community would never be washed away.

These words still stand tall and true.  That the dedicated team from Project Seed continue to bring their Torah learning to our community with such commitment and passion is a lasting testament to their ideals and generosity.

On this occasion of the yartzeit of Avinoam Z”L, our thoughts are with his family, chevra, and all who were touched by his love of Torah.

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