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Perth's Real Jewish News

Celebrating our most recent Jewish Festival with Mixed Emotions

The Jewish calendar is full of emotion and rhythm. It combines the constancy of the solar calendar (which determines the Sabbath) with the variability of the lunar calendar (which determine our festivals). The lunar calendar is a human product, initially dependent on witnesses and then became a fixed equation of

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Campus Culture Wars

As Australian’s go about their day to day lives, an unsurpassed quality of life full of beaches, sport and beer, life for many Australian’s Jews has become somewhat dystopian. As we emerged from the Passover festival, a barrage of social media and news awaited.  It was primarily focussed on encampments

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They Fought For The Freedom We Enjoy Today

In 1917, the ANZACs invaded Palestine to fight the Ottoman Army and, after the third Battle of Gaza on October 31, successfully took control of the land and the people in the name of the British Empire.  This paved the way for what ultimately became the Allied victory in WWI.

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The Woke Haggadah

Disclaimer Each year I attempt to script a satirical Haggadah that pushes (or as some would contend, crosses) boundaries, as an expression of our contemporary social faux-pas.  Just in case it is not recognised, and as a pre-warning, this is satire!  It does not reflect my actual views, especially regarding

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Why is this Seder night different from all other Seder nights?

The story of the Jewish people is that of a nation born into slavery and emancipated to freedom.  Freedom with a purpose. We entered Egypt as a family.  We collectively experienced the miracles that fulfilled the ברית בין הבתרים, the covenant between G-d and Avraham, and journeyed forth via Sinai

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The failure of Muslim Immigration

Multi culturalism together with immigration has become one of the greatest experiments ever undertaken in Australia. It has become an imperative to prop up the existing population and provide labour for industry whilst also allowing those seeking asylum a safe haven. Australia’s declining birth rate makes this more necessary than

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The Blue Room rejects the Colour Blue

If you are WAAPA graduate in Perth, chances are that your next stop is the Blue Room Theatre.  “The Blue Room Theatre has been the creative hub of Western Australia’s independent theatre scene for more than 30 years, centrally located at the heart of the Perth Cultural Centre.” The Blue

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My Brain Hurts

It is quite possible for the mind to be overstimulated by a wave of activity and emotion.  I am fortunate to be part of a community that has hosted a Festival of Jewish Learning over the past week that has included much contemporary content about the situation facing the Jewish

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From Purim to a Painless Pesach

I received notification about a program called Painless Pesach which starts on March 3: “Take part in an easy, 36 day plan to help YOU get ready for Pesach with joy and ease.  Get to the seder relaxed and calm for less than $1 per day.” With deference to the

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You Can’t Make This Stuff Up!

Over the past few weeks a number of items have reached my news feeds which are mostly very serious, but seemingly incredulous events that show how crazy our world is just at the moment when it comes to its dystopian views about Israel.  Here are a few examples of where

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