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Religious Zionism Down Under

It is a huge weekend for Perth.  The second Australian Conference of Religious Zionist Institutions is being hosted in Perth this weekend.

Following the inaugural event in Melbourne, this conference will showcase the accomplishments and developments of religious Zionist education in Australia, particularly Perth.

For the first time the Torah MiTzion programs of three different States of Australia, Melbourne, Perth, and now Sydney, will join in a plennery and talk about yeshiva education in a religious zionist context.

Bnei Akiva will be represented from all three States, with the Rabbi of Adelaide also in attendance.   More than 50 delegates, all eduators or lay-leaders and administrators for Religious Zionist education will pool their collective strength to develop new ideas and consolidate resources.

The conference will be visiting a number of Shules, a host of learning activities and celebrations will also be part of the event.  It promises to be an amazing weekend.

It also promises to demonstrate the tremendous value the investment that the Perth Jewish community has made into delveoping a yeshiva and resourcing Bnei Akiva with Shlichim.  The quality and strength of this activity is a measure of great pride for Perth Jewry, and is becoming more and more recognised through the reputation of our youth.

Congratulations to the Religious Zionist movement for continuing the momentum of representing the ideals of  Eretz Yisrael le-am Yisrael al pi Torat Yisrael into the Jewish community of Australia.

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